Is GIS Enough?



One of the biggest challenges to using new technologies effectively is having the skills and a strategy to deploy new tools.  It's never about the technology itself, it's more so about the skillset your workforce currently possesses and their overall execution of your designed strategies if they are to produce new or improved outcomes.

We often hear our clients state that their organization already utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS), but is your existing GIS investment enough?

If you dig deeper not all GIS support is equal, nor do they have the capabilities to support an incident 24/7.  In addition to that there are many emerging technologies that integrate with GIS that aren’t being used to produce better outcomes within the response world. 

So, you might be asking yourself, does my business truly have the best practice established to ensure emergence measures are not only up to code but would enable my team to implement the best corrective course of action?

Here are a few questions that can help you evaluate how you are using digital technologies within your individual incident management practices:

  • Does your GIS department incorporate preplanning strategies and tactics for use in spill response?

  • Is your FRP, GRP, SPCC or DOT plan digitalized and incorporated into your GIS to enable first responders’ immediate situational awareness?

  • What support does your GIS group give to tactical operations during an incident?  Is it 24/7?

  • Is your GIS group able to acquire and integrate remote sensing from UAS and real-time data inputs from digital forms into their existing mapping so first responders and spill managers can make data driven decisions?

  • What experience or background does your GIS team have in hazmat response or environmental concerns?

  • Does your digital content reach the field as dynamic digital content supporting data driven decisions or has it been reduced to still photographs for operations and taped to walls?

RRS can offer solutions to these questions listed above by:

  • Your written emergency response procedures to allow preplanned strategies to be shared across multiple device platforms that assist first responders.

  • 24/7 support to our clientele by being experts in GIS and spill response which allows us to aid said clients through various technology tactically and effectively.

  • Data driven decisions by engineering digital forms that integrate with GIS thus providing spill management teams and first responders with real time analytics about their current environmental situation.

  • UAS services and remote sensors (photogrammetry, thermal, multispectral, and physical inspection) that spill management teams can therefore use to produce accurate and powerful incident action plans.

  • Collected data 24/7 that is imputed into powerful software systems which provide our clients with real time facts they can use to make precise decisions and produce auspicious results.

  • Powerful communication platforms that brings all digital content obtainable to the vicinity of the incident and can be further supported by facilitating LIVE streaming digital content that exchanges data ‘to and from’ the event even in the most remote locations.

We are here to answer your questions and help you design digital solutions whether it is preplanning or responding to life’s emergency events. Here at Rapid Response Systems LLC, we are your experts. You can count on us to pioneer technology for formidable environmental leadership for your business.

Chat with a customer service rep today to find out more:


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